Monday, December 31, 2018

Dimly Lit but Shining Bright

Hiking blindly along life’s treacherous paths,
digging and sifting through fog,

Seeking knowledge and guidance to get
Through this maze called life. 

Minimal light to lead the way, but trudging
Along with hast to find my place amongst
Those who’ve found their shining light.

Knowing that eventually my light will shine bright!

©Regina Phillips 2019

Monday, December 17, 2018

Dark Reflections of Light

Trapped in a realm of dreary bitterness,

a reflection of light to guide

me safely to brilliance.

©Regina Phillips 2019


Out of sync, searching
 for calmness along the
shores rolling waves.

Trapped by thoughts of
others who were here
before me.

Find your voice, be brave!
Break away from the
voices that lead you astray.

©Regina Phillips 2019

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


What lies ahead for me?
Will tomorrow be a better day
Or should I close my eyes and pray to be taken away?
I choose to pray, I am confident that I will have a better day!

©Regina Phillips 2019

Adrift with a Destination

                 Adrift with a Destination The solitude of the sea, alone, but not surrounded by the endless sea of Anemone leaving the like...