Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wrongs to Right

I languish here on someone’s property

no doubt due to the negative vibe Of 2021’s mercury retrograde

Watching the indigo lights flash through my mind

bringing the melancholy of days past

Waiting with a bizarre thirst of sustenance, both liquid and solid

mindlessly seeing the Purity of love from this dog

fighting the despair of homelessness and hunger

©Regina Phillips September 2021

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Isolated but not Alone

Together we stand apart

Under one sky separated by differences

Uncomfortable silence greets you in passing

Wondering what the others are thinking

Watching and waiting to see who moves first

©Regina Phillips September 2021

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Back to the Future


Back to the Future

Wait! Follow your intuition.
You're thinking, "What's that!"
That gut feeling, that's it!
Should I or Shouldn't I!
Follow that first instinct
It's usually spot on
That first mistake will take
you on unforeseen journeys
 Making a full circle to
where you were suppose to be
all along.  Good luck!

©Regina Phillips September 2021

Friday, August 13, 2021



Soundlessly I wait

Watching through infrablue lens

Seeing everything that evades me

Waiting for that which appeals my taste buds

©Regina Phillips, August 2021

Friday, July 30, 2021



Washed ashore and lost

I stumbled upon a Cathedral

Wherein I searched my atlas

Waiting to be rescued

the sound of a crows’ echo

was hollow and ghastly

and the whimsical of it all

was the hue of the nights starry full moon


©Regina Phillips 7.29.2021

The Choice is Yours


The tidal wave of my hoofs

Magnifies the exhilarating freedom

I feel to roam the earth with no atlas to guide me

The vibration of each gallop echoes along the shore

As the sun rises and cast many hues of my watery form

I charge to the cathedral in a whimsical state of mind to

Erase all the hollow and ghastly feelings that creep inside.


©Regina Phillips July 2021

Adrift with a Destination

                 Adrift with a Destination The solitude of the sea, alone, but not surrounded by the endless sea of Anemone leaving the like...